The Elate

TypeTwo Storey
Size2054 sq ft / 2280 sq ft
Bedrooms/bathrooms3 Bedrooms (Optional 4th), 2.5 Bathrooms
  • Lot width required: 36.5ft (Elate skinny), 44ft (Elate)
  • Standard plan and skinny version (for narrow lots)
  • Optional 3rd garage bay / drive through (Elate)
  • Butler pantry / walk through pantry
  • Second floor laundry
  • Optional second floor balcony/deck


TYPICAL PRICING: Two-storey homes (in general, not necessarily this plan): $325/sq. ft AND UP. This is the starting point for finishes that might be used in a Lexis built home. Pricing includes our design services and the high quality products & trades utilized in our homes. The price includes taxes but does not include land costs or servicing costs for infill / acreage builds. Many of our clients choose additional upgrades that push costs above this starting price. The purpose of the pricing listed above is to provide a broad overview of what to expect for costs. Pricing is subject to change. For the most current pricing, and to learn more about the factors that affect the cost to build a home in Saskatoon, please visit our Pricing Page.

All of our plans can be customized to suit your needs

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